Posted: December 23, 2010 in quiz



A is a comic character; B is a historical personality; there is also a famous poem by this name; C is known to all; D is the opening shot of a very famous film. Connect?
Answer to Q # 150
Pandora – All;
  • A moon of Saturn,
  • Pandora music app for iphone etc,
  • In Greek mythology Pandora was the first woman; each god helped create her by giving her unique gifts
  • Pandora is the fictional planet in the film Avatar 
Surya, Susmita, Ramu, Dhanya, Vinay, Sujith responded
  1. Surya Murali says:

    1. Mandrake, the Magician (His HQ is Xanadu)
    2. Kublai Khan (Xanadu was his summer capital)
    3. Bill Gates (His house is named Xanadu)
    4. Xanadu (movie) / Citizen Kane (?)

    Since the first three options connect with Xanadu… I am guessing the movie shot is from the movie Xanadu too? (But that was in color)
    Or I remember some connection of Xanadu to ‘Citizen Kane’… haven’t seen the movie so don’t have a clear idea (but at least it is Black n White)

    The connect is Xanadu!

  2. M Vinayakumar says:

    Mandrake, Kublai Khan and Bill Gates live in Xanadu. Coleridge’s poem Kubla Khan starts off like In Xanadu did Kublai Khan
    There was a movie and a song Xanadu sung by ONJ, i dont know whether the movie referred is the same thing.

  3. Venu says:

    The connection is Xanadu.

    1) Mandrake the Magician – Home is Xanadu
    2) Kubla Khan – Xanadu is where he refers to paradise in his poem.
    3) Bill Gates – His house is nicknamed Xanadu
    4)The movie is “Xanadu”

  4. Sujith says:


    A.Mandrake The Magicians Fictitious Homeland
    B.The summer capital of Kublai Khan’s Yuan empire
    C The nickname of Bill Gates’ futuristic private estate .
    D.Name of 1980’s Movie staring Olivia Newton-John and Gene Kelly

  5. Ravi says:

    A. Mandrake
    B. Genghis Khan
    C. Bill Gates
    D. Citizen Kane

    Connection is “Xanadu”

    Xanadu is the residence/estate of Mandrake, Bill Gates (xanadu 2.0), Charles Kane (citizen Kane). Xanadu is the summer palace of Ghengis khan’s grandson

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